Readings: Problem Domain, Objects, and the DOM
Understanding the problem domain is the hardest part of programming
Figure out what the major components of the picture are
Sort the pieces by color or component
Put together all the border pieces
Put together each component of the picture from the piles you created
What’s the difference between primitive values and object references in JS?
JavaScript currently supports eight data types. All of these data types (Booleans, Null, Undefined, Number, BigInt, String, Symbol) are primitive values except for object references.
Many common data types such as arrays, functions, and dates are object references under the hood.
Primitive values can be stored in variables directly. Objects, on the other hand, are stored as references. A variable that has been assigned an object does not store that object directly, it stores the memory address of the location that the object exists at.
Primitive values are immutable — they cannot be changed after being created. Object references, however, are mutable and can be changed.
Duckett JS Book
Chapter 3 “object Literals”(pp.100-105)
an object is a series of variables and functions that represent something from the world around you
in an object, variables are known as properties of the object
functions are known as methods of the object
web browsers implement objects that represent both the web browser window and the document loaded into the browser window.
Chapter 5 “Document Object Model”(pp.183-242)
The browser represents the page using a DOM tree.
DOM trees have four types of nodes: document nodes, element nodes, attribute nodes, and text nodes.
- You can select element nodes by their id or class attributes, by tag name, or using CSS selector syntax.
- Whenever a DOM query can return more than one node, it will always return a NodeList.
- From an element node, you can access and update its content using properties such as textContent and innerHTML or using DOM manipulation techniques.
- An element node can contain multiple text nodes and child elements that are siblings of each other.
- In older browsers, implementation of the DOM is inconsistent (and is a popular reason for using jQuery).
- Browsers offer tools for viewing the DOM tree.
Things I want to know more about
***There was a lot of reading on Document object model which I really need to read again and understand it.