Readings: Audio, Video, Images
Duckett HTML Book
Chapter 16:”Images”(pp.406-427)
- You can specify the dimensions of images using CSS. This is very helpful when you use the same sized images on several pages of your site.
- Images can be aligned both horizontally and vertically using CSS.
- You can use a background image behind the box created by any element on a page.
- Background images can appear just once or be repeated across the background of the box.
- You can create image rollover effects by moving the background position of an image.
- To reduce the number of images your browser has to load, you can create image sprites.
Chapter 19:”Practical Information”(476-492)
- It’s important to understand who your target audience is, why they would come to your site, what information they want to find and when they are likely to return.
- Site maps allow you to plan the structure of a site.
- Wireframes allow you to organize the information that will need to go on each page.
- Design is about communication. Visual hierarchy helps visitors understand what you are trying to tell them.
- You can differentiate between pieces of information using size, color, and style.
- You can use grouping and similarity to help simplify the information you present.
Chapter 9: “Pages 201-209 only”
- Flash allows you to add animations, video and audio to the web.
- Flash is not supported on iPhone or iPad.